Faithful to The Truth Radio Show with Oxana Eliahu. Every Thursday on Messianic Lamb Radio at 6pm CST
Yeshua said: "I am the Way the Truth and the Life"(John 14:6) The common denominator of our Radio Show is to always remain Faithful to The Truth! Yeshua is the Truth and He is our main topic and reason for this Radio Show. It is all for Him and about Him. We share music, testimonies, interviews, Bible teachings. We ask questions and try to find the answers together with our guest and with you our listeners.

Please Listen to our First Radio Show, on May 30th 2013 where we were sharing our testimonies:
Story About How it All Started
In the beginning of 2013, Mark Smith contacted me and said that he was from Messianic Lamb Radio and he would like to interview me for his radio show. I did not really know who Mark was or what it was all about, but I said "Yes, sure, sounds good". We set a time to meet on Skype. He was a great host and was asking me questions as I was sharing my testimony and my music and how God blessed me with this gift of writing music and lyrics. Mark said that he loved my story very much and that he would contact me again sometime to hear updates, as I said to him that many things are going on in our ministry. I put Mark on my emailing list. When we were in Israel this January and February, we were sending our updates with videos. Some of them were interview videos that we had done with Israelis at the airport and on the Election Day in Israel. After one of these updates, I got an email from Mark: "I saw the interview you did with the people at the airport in your last update. It was very good. I would like to offer you your own radio broadcast on our radio station – www.messianiclambradio.com – There are many things you can do – you can teach, take phone calls, interview people, etc… I think you would be perfect for this opportunity. We are already playing your songs on our station – it would be great to add this dynamic to your ministry. Please consider it. Thank you for your music and commitment to the Messianic lifestyle. Blessings in Messiah Yeshua Mark David Smith"
Wow… This was a big surprise! The first thing that came to my mind: "God, why me? I have never even been interested in this kind of work; especially since it is all volunteer work." I kind of talked to myself saying: "Oxana, you have so many projects already that you are doing, so much work in the studio, outreach, videos, traveling, performances etc…"
In other words, it felt like a huge 'giant' for me. I was praying and somehow I felt that I couldn't say "No". It felt like God was calling me to do this, so I could not I refuse. I talked to Mark over the phone and he said: "Oxana, I don't offer this to everyone, I prayed and I felt God showed me that you would be the right person for this work", so this is how it began. On the 30th of May, 2013 we started our weekly one-hour show every Thursday at 6 pm Central time. I must say that I have already done a few interesting interviews with people, and it was awesome! I actually was very blessed by it.Yes, it's a lot of work as it is always takes more than an hour to record the show and then a few hours to edit it, but with God's help everything is possible!
Please pray for our radio show, that it will be pleasing to Adonai and that His name will be glorified!